Luke 22 Lesson
Three Things Jesus Did When Faced With Adversity
As the hour of Jesus’ crucifixion approaches, Jesus is experiencing turmoil from every direction.
- The scribes and the Pharisees are closing in on Jesus and preparing to kill Him,
- He is being betrayed by those closest to Him,
- Judas accepted a bribe to turn Jesus in,
- Peter is about to deny Jesus three times.
The stress that Jesus was under was unimaginable!
It was so severe that He began to sweat drops of blood from a rare condition called, “Hematidrosis.”
Hematidrosis occurs when the body is under extreme physical or emotional stress.
During Hematidrosis, the capillary blood vessels that feed the sweat glands rupture, causing them to exude blood.
In today’s lesson, we will look at how Jesus handled adversity, and how we should handle the difficulties that we face in our own lives.
When we face adversity, we would be wise to learn from the example of Jesus.
During the toughest times of His life on Earth, Jesus repeatedly did three things:
- Jesus found a quiet place where He could be alone to pray. Luke 22:41 says, “And He withdrew from them about a stone’s throw, and He knelt down and began to pray,”
- Jesus shared His concerns with God. “Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me.” – Luke 22:42 (a),
- Jesus accepted God’s will andobeyedHim. “Yet not My will, but Yours be done.” – Luke 22:42 (b).
During His time on Earth, Jesus was both God and man, as evidenced by the following five scriptures:
- “And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.” - John 1:14,
- “I and the Father are one.” - John 10:30,
- “For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form.” - Colossians 2:9,
- “Who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men.” - Philippians 2:6-7,
- “For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin.” - Hebrews 4:15.
The human side of Jesus was asking God if there was a way for Him not to have to endure the excruciating pain that awaited Him at the cross.
However, after voicing His request, Jesus did what He always did, and obeyed His Father.
That is the example that we are to follow!
It is during the most challenging times of our lives that our obedience to God can have the most impact on others who are watching our behavior.
During His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said:
- “Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in Heaven.” - Mathew 5:16.
How we handle adversity says a lot about our faith.
The more difficult we find it to obey God, the more meaningful our obedience becomes.
It is important to note what happened to Jesus after he prayed.
Luke writes:
- “Now an angel from Heaven appeared to Him, strengthening Him.” – Luke 22:43.
Notice how God did not spare Jesus, His only Son from going through adversity.
Instead, He sent an angel to help Him through it.
This type of assistance is not reserved solely for Jesus.
God may not take away the adversity from our lives, but He will help us through it.
God uses adversity to strengthen us and to discipline us, as discussed in the following two scriptures:
- “For those whom the Lord loves He disciplines.” – Hebrews 12:6,
- “And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” – Romans 5:3-5.
When we face adversity, it is important to remember the three things that Jesus did when He suffered:
- He found a quiet place to pray,
- He shared His concerns with God,
- He accepted God’s answer to His prayers and obeyed Him.
These are the same three things that we should do when we are suffering.
Putting our trust in God allows His plan for us to unfold.
The prophet Jeremiah wrote about this in the following scripture:
- “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11.
We will conclude today’s lesson with a scripture taken from Paul’s letter to the Philippians.
It reminds us of how Jesus was obedient to God until the very end, and how this is the example that we are to follow:
- “Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” – Philippians 2:8.
1) What did today’s Bible study make you think or feel?
2) What questions do you have?
3) How can you apply what you have learned to something specific in your life?
1) What did today’s Bible study make you think or feel?
2) What questions do you have?
3) How can you apply what you have learned to something specific in your life?
I like your reminder that we will all go through adversity. God will not take it away but He will help us as we experience it. “We never walk alone.”